Thursday, July 19, 2018


Hello all,

ITS GETTING REAL NOW! Starting to stress even more. Trying to get it all together before school starts.

IF anyone is reading, tell me ways to de-stress. Writing this blog post helps a little, but tell me MORE!

Your stressed correspondent,


Monday, July 16, 2018

Is it normal

Hello again.

Question: Is it normal to feel this stressed already? I'm in this facebook group for my entering class and EVERY TIME someone posts in there, no matter what its about, I start to stress over it. 


I still need to purchase my laptop, get my loans in order, save for my trip, get my books, get ENROLLED AND WORRY ABOUT WORK. 

Okay- I'm breathing. Inhale, exhale.....

Someone help me. 

Your VERY stressed, but def isnt showing it, correspondent. 

Monday, July 2, 2018



I'm starting to get all these emails now from school about the course books, assignments, the classes, etc. I have ADHD, so idk if I'm actually starting to stress out or my mind just cant handle all this information being thrown at it through one long ass email. Maybe it's both, who knows?

Gah, but still. I just need to breath and relax. I am excited, but then I'm not because FUCK! I AM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. Ya know? IDK what to do to take advantage of my summer. Even though I'm working, but still. What should I do? Throw some ideas- something cheap but cool? I'm low on money considering I'm about to pay for school.

AHHHHH! Idk how to feel right now. Tell your thoughts people. How did spend your time before you started grad school? What did you do? Where did you go? What did you see? ANSWER ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE!

No seriously, I'd like to know how you managed. I dont think I have a huge audience, but if you are reading this, feel free to respond.

Your faithful correspondent.